Pato negro
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Una novia para Drake

Buscando una compañera para un joven pato aventurero … y Canadiense.

Pato negro


Como muchos de vosotros sabréis, Drake, nuestro pato aventurero, decidió hace ya algún tiempo dirigir su vuelo hacia una nueva vida en tierras lejanas, ahora vive en Toronto con nuestra querida amiga Resa McConaghy, allí el encontró un lugar acogedor en la casa de Resa y una nueva familia que lo cuida y vela por sus intereses.

El es muy feliz, pero … en ocasiones, las tardes lluviosas, busca un lugar tranquilo entre las plantas y la melancolía invade su corazón, echa de menos su tierra y sus antiguos amigos, a pesar de su fluido ingles con marcado acento gallego todavía no ha encontrado una buena amiga con la que planear su futuro en Canadá.

Drake Noir

Drake en Toronto

Resa me mantiene informada de todas las aventuras de Drake  y ante este nuevo reto, ambas hemos decidido buscar una novia española para Drake, para lo que hemos constituido una Agencia matrimonial para Patos Canadienses, ahora el trabajo duro me toca a mi.

El reclamo publicitario dice algo así » Se busca pato hembra con buenas intenciones y en disposición de viajar al extranjero para entablar relación de amistad u otra, amante del arte y de las aventuras y que le guste el chocolate. Se ofrece amor incondicional, vuelos al atardecer y un apartamento en Toronto »

Realmente no se si me ha quedado bien el anuncio, pero los resultados han sido muy satisfactorios, ante la avalancha de bellas candidatas me he visto obligada a realizar un filtro previo ( siguiendo los sabios criterios de Drake ) en los próximos días os presentaré a las candidatas con mas posibilidades, todas ellas son preciosas, por supuesto.

Pato negro


Dedicado a mi querida amiga Resa McConaghy

Belén Soto


    • Drake is very happy with his new life in Toronto … but he thinks he can still be happier, a beautiful female duck would be perfect 😉 😉
      Thank you Andy!!

    • Nuestro Drake es un pato con mucha suerte, creo que muchas lindas chicas responderán a su llamada … el viaje a Toronto es un gran incentivo 🙂
      Muchas gracias, abrazos!!

    • Lo del apartamento en Toronto es un buen reclamo verdad?
      yo ya le dije a Drake que el que no arriesga … 😉
      Confío en un aluvión de candidatas.
      Gracias Benjamín!!

  1. Yay! A girlfriend for Drake! Maybe he will stop stealing my chocolates now. 😉
    He even has the cats finding chocolates for him (when I am asleep, of course) 🙂
    I am very excited to see the upcoming ⭐ beauty show of candidates ⭐
    Drake is so excited that he is preparing a special nest in the plants for when she finally arrives here.
    He would like me to find a new special plant with flowers.
    We wait in joy to see the girls who have answered the call (or quack for ducks)
    Much love to you, Belén!!! Big hugs! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    • Ooops, I think that when they are two, the disappearance of the chocolate will increase 🙂
      Glad to know that Drake maintains good relationship with your cats, even with Chinese porcelain cats, the latter has a little disconcerted me …
      The girls ask me if Lake Ontario is navigable for ducks …
      A flowering plant would be perfect for a couple in love, I will ask to the candidates if they suffer from pollen allergy, I have to evaluate all possibilities 😉
      Much love & big hugs

      • The lake (across the foot bridge from me, I can see it from my window) has ducks, swans, geese, and sea gulls navigating it. Pigeons lounge about on the sand and grass where the restaurant is.
        Don’t worry about the Chinese porcelain cat, Drake has set her up with Bad Boy… yet another porcelain cat. Sorry for all of the cats, but they are very cute & like Drake very much. 🙂

      • Sand, grass, restaurant and plus the lake is navigable … you are describing me the paradise of ducks !!! … A short flight from the house and start enjoying 🙂

  2. Great! Now Drake wants me to buy an engagement ring so he can propose properly when she gets here.
    What kind of rings do ducks wear?
    LOL! xoxoxo

  3. Heehee. I just read the conversation between you and Resa, dear Belén. I am so pleased to read that you may have found a duck for Black Drake. China Cat has a new boyfriend, Resa’s Bad Boy, and has gone off Black Drake as she is smitten by Bad Boy. I am pleased about that, as I would hate to think of China Cat having kittens that quack 😉 lol
    Have a lovely week my friend. Ralph xoxo ❤

    • Drake loves being the center of attention, feel a little envious of China Cat 🙂
      I love this correspondence between cats and ducks, your blog is always amazing 🙂 🙂
      Have a good day!!

      • Yes, I had a feeling that Black Drake needs to be the centre of attention. Maybe this will stop when he sees the duck that you are setting him up on a blind date.
        Thank you for your feedback about my posts my friend, and hey, have a lovely day yourself 🙂 ❤

    • True, Drake is very lucky, but feels lonely in Canada, he misses his friends ducks …
      Resa and I are looking for a Spanish girlfriend to accompany him the cold winter days 🙂 🙂
      Thank you very much for your nice compliments, you’re very kind !!
      A big hug from Spain.

  4. Pingback: Una novia para Drake – Lúa | Arcilla y fuego

  5. Pingback: Una novia para Drake – Mar | Arcilla y fuego

  6. Pingback: Una novia para Drake – Sol | Arcilla y fuego

  7. Pingback: Una novia para Drake – Sondeo | Arcilla y fuego

  8. Pingback: And the winner is … Sol | Arcilla y fuego

    • Thank you!!!
      Hola Claudia, muchas gracias por tu visita, Drake y Sol son dos patos españoles a los que, como a ti, les encantan las aventuras, ellos han viajado a Canadá para comenzar una nueva vida juntos.
      A veces mis piezas sienten la necesidad de explorar nuevos territorios 🙂
      Buen fin de semana!!

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